How Imvision Drove a 61% Lift in Qualified Meetings Through Its Partnership with Growth Genie

As the world’s first full lifecycle API security platform, Imvision is empowering companies to be more open with their APIs – without making themselves or their data vulnerable.

The company’s mission to ensure that every interaction between people, businesses, and machines can be trusted is driven by the number of cybersecurity and data risks that can arise out of API connections. Imvision aims to reduce these, in part, through the enablement of a secure API development culture that embeds security requirements into API design, development, and testing – all the way back from production.

To bring their vision of securing APIs to as many companies as possible, Imvision needed to develop a healthy outbound sales program. However, early results were not as promising as the company had hoped they’d be.

Omer Primor, Imvision’s VP of Marketing, explains that, “Because our sales development was in an early stage, we were struggling to generate a consistent flow of intro meetings. We were mostly taking a ‘spray and pray’ approach, but we really wanted to create a consistent process using best practices as we ramped up our sales operations.”

61% increase in qualified meetings booked

2X open and click-through rates on cold email campaigns

Solid foundation for future scalability

Engaging Growth Genie for B2B Sales Support

Imvision first became aware of Growth Genie’s B2B sales training and consulting programs through the latter company’s targeted outreach. “Growth Genie’s outreach grabbed my attention initially,” notes Primor. “I figured, if they can do it with their outreach, they can help us with ours.”

At the outset of the engagement, Growth Genie began with a comprehensive intake and assessment process. This enabled the team to familiarize themselves with Imvision’s industry, product, and buyer personas. Additional interviews were conducted with key Imvision stakeholders to better understand the company’s former sales campaigns, how they had been carried out, and the results they produced.

Reach out today for more information on Growth Genie’s B2B sales training programs, B2B sales cadence development, and B2B sales playbooks.

Using these detailed insights, Growth Genie developed a custom sales playbook to guide Imvision’s future outreach efforts, as well as new sales cadences that would better leverage modern messaging and sequencing best practices. Growth Genie collaborated closely with Imvision throughout this process to ensure that all documentation and collateral produced appropriately reflected Imvision’s unique selling proposition and brand personality.

“Growth Genie helped us develop structured messaging based on who we’re talking to that resonates with our target customers in a simple and concise way,” notes Primor. “They also worked with our team to make sure they’re aware of best practices that they can use to hold a story and a flow that generates pipeline.”

“Our work with Growth Genie has enabled us to put a solid sales infrastructure in place,” concludes Primor. “As an organization, we now know how to build the right sequences, and how to use best practices in our outreach. It’s a good foundation to build on as we continue to scale.”

Omer Primor, Imvision’s VP of Marketing

Driving Short-Term and Long-Term Sales Success

Growth Genie’s in-depth process and existing expertise helped Imvision to identify ‘quick wins’ that could help drive value from the engagement as early on in the process as possible.

According to Primor, “We’ve seen growth in the interested responses we receive through email, calls, and LinkedIn messages – and because of that, we’ve seen an uplift in meetings of 61%. In one campaign in particular, all we did was add recipients’ first names to the subject line, and conversion rates went up 2X.”

Looking longer-term, the team at Imvision continues to generate ROI from their B2B sales training investment by using the insights and materials developed by Growth Genie in various new ways. In one case, the company has used its new sales playbook to help partners and other teams within the company to better understand how to position Imvision in all types of conversations.

About Imvision

Imvision’s Anomaly Management Platform (AMP) uses an NLP-based technology to analyze the APIs, understand the applications’ behavior, and model complex relations within the data in order to improve security & detect and prevent breaches.

About Growth Genie

Growth Genie is a B2B sales training consultancy that enables companies to increase the number of outbound sales meetings they book through custom sales playbooks, sales cadence development, and sales coaching.


If your B2B sales or lead generation team could benefit from expert sales coaching, reach out to request a personalized consultation with Growth Genie.